Sunday, January 17, 2010

evolution, con'd


There are those of us RR "purests" who still feel a train just isn't a train w/o a cabbose...well, ok, then, us old guys...but such is still the case!!!

Cabooses DO, not talking about that moving motion. Yes, they did do that, severly in the beginning. But the change from freight trucks to pass. ones made a huge difference. I'm talking about "cool!!", or as todays kids would call it..."awesome!!" They were (are) something special...and the likes of our 529 are something special again. And that's why we need to preserve it...but more on that later...for now, back to "the evelotion"!!!

The continued "development" of the caboose is generally creditied to a chap named Nat Williams, a passenger conductor for the Auburn & Syracuse RR (NYC system) somewhere rd 1840. He was fed up w/the cramped and uncomfortable "quarters" he had on the pass. trains in which to transact his duties. Usually consisted of finding an open seat or being relagated to any availalbe space in the baggage car where he could do his paper work. Had to be a better way.

He had heard of the conversions that some RR construction crews out west were using, but being out in the weahter w/the wind blowing his papers rd and the heat/cold was not an exciting thought.

Then one day he had one of those "AH-HA" moments. Why not use one of those short boxcars (then called bobbers...hench the name bobber caboose), cut in a doorway, and Wall-Ah ...They already had roof/sides and weather protection!!! His next "AH-HA" moment was, hey; got all kinds of room in here...I can store tools, flags, lanterns, spare part, etc. other things the train might need. (thus arrising the common practice of all cabooses)

His brain-storm was soon picked up by others, even back to the constr. crews where the "concept" origninated!!! Railroads soon also pick up on the idea/value of these...made 'em longer, added windoows, stoves, bunks. etc. and the evelouton of the caboose was on!!!!! To bad for Williamas that trademarks/copyrights weren't rd yet....he could have gotten rich!!!!!

Next: the "rise" of the cupola. And ever wonder why cabooses came to be painted red???? At least for a long time